“TROOPER” NAMED FINALIST IN 14th International ARC Salon
“Trooper” a 20” x 16” oil-on-panel close-up view of a thoroughbred-Clydesdale mixed-breed horse, has been selected as a Finalist in the Animal Art category of the 14th International Art Renewal Center Salon.
This year ARC received over 4,300 entries from 73 countries, which makes the International ARC Salon the largest competition and exhibition dedicated to 21st Century Realism in the world. It is also the most diverse in terms of categories and international participation.
Over $100,000 in cash awards will be announced July 1st. Online coverage, press coverage, and live exhibitions of a number of Finalist and prize-winning works will take place through partnerships with prestigious magazines, galleries and museums.
“Trooper” was also selected as an Honors Finalist by the National Academy of Equine Art in their April 2018 online competition and showcase.
A sad note: Trooper himself was euthanized just before Thanksgiving of 2018 when he failed to recover well after intestinal surgery for colic. He also had suffered recently from Lyme Disease, which is a continual hazard for pastured horses, but had been successfully treated for that malady with the same antibiotic that is prescribed for Lyme Disease in humans (though I understand that, due to his great size and weight, he had to take 48 capsules per day during the course of his treatment).
You can see an image of “Trooper” elsewhere on this website under News and in the Animal art category of images. For more information about Trooper — the individual — and the love between him and those who met and consequently adored him, go to the News category page on this website that covers the April 2018 National Academy of Equine Art competition and showcase.
I’m so glad that I took the opportunity to get to know and to memorialize this very special individual while he was alive. It is also gratifying to know that my participation in the ARC Salon will serve as an international tribute not only to Trooper himself and to the bonds between him and “his people”, but to the bonds between humans and other living creatures worldwide.
All rights to images and text reserved by the artist